Certainly, clothes play a major role in enhancing our appearance, but if not coordinated properly they can wreak havoc. From Priyanka Chopra to Beyonce, these celebs are entirely relying on their stylist when it comes to their styling. The stylist’s job is not just confined to cherry-picking clothes for various events. Their job is to curate the best pieces (clothes, footwear, and accessories) for their clients so that they can get ready for every occasion with ease. Let’s see how employing a personalstylist from boutique can help you. 1. Create a real image of yours: We’ve heard the phrase “The first impression is the last impression.” Agree or not, people will create an opinion about you before they even know you. It will be entirely based on what you are wearing and how you carry yourself. A stylist will help you to arrange your “inner” image with your “outer” image that the world actually sees. A stylist will help you to make a positive brand and an unassaila...